TEDx Cuauhtémoc

TEDx Cuauhtémoc is a speaking platform under the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) licence and organized independently in Mexico City, under the slogan “ideas worth spreading”.

The year I worked as a volunteer, the identity design for two events were designed: TEDx Youth @ Cuauhtemoc event, and TEDx Woman @ Cuauhtemoc event, both at the Communication University. Printed stickers, invitations, digital banners for social networks, publications and applications as well as the logo and graphic style used in the event were designed. Also a new logo design was designed with the creative team (2014), and the graphic style and applications were definined for the annual event TEDx @ Cuauhtémoc under the event topic “Despierta” (wake up).

For TEDx Cuauhtémoc, by mauu.design
Mexico City, Mexico 2014-2015

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